Enghin Atalay's Home Page

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Employment and Education

          Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 2019-Present.
          Assistant Professor, UW Madison, 2014-2019.
          PhD in Economics, University of Chicago, 2014.
          Research Associate, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 2006-2008.
          BA in Applied Math, UC Berkeley, 2006.

Contact Information

          E-mail: atalayecon@gmail.com

Working Papers

    A.   Scalable Demand and Markups
          (with Erika Frost, Alan Sorensen, Chris Sullivan, and Wanjia Zhu), 2023.   [Show Abstract]

    B.   Micro- and Macroeconomic Impacts of a Place-Based Industrial Policy
          (with Ali Hortacsu, Mustafa Runyun, Chad Syverson, and Mehmet Fatih Ulu), 2023.  
          Coverage: VoxEU Column and BFI Research Brief.   [Show Abstract]

    C.   School Closures, Parental Labor Supply, and Time Use
          (with Ryan Kobler and Ryan Michaels), 2023.   [Show Abstract]

    D.   Firm Technology Upgrading Through Emerging Work
          (with Sarada), 2020.   [Show Abstract]

Refereed Publications

    1.   The Geography of Job Tasks
          (with Sebastian Sotelo and Daniel Tannenbaum), 2023
          Forthcoming, Journal of Labor Economics.
          Coverage: VoxEU Column. [Show Abstract]

    2.   Product Repositioning By Merging Firms
          (with Alan Sorensen, Chris Sullivan, and Wanjia Zhu)
          Journal of Industrial Economics, 2024, 72(2): 868-908.
          Coverage: ProMarket Column.    [Show Abstract]

    3.   A Twenty-First Century of Solitude? Time Alone and Together in the United States
          Journal of Population Economics, 2024, 37: 12.
          Replication files.     [Show Abstract]

    4.   The Evolution of Work in the United States
          (with Phai Phongthiengtham, Sebastian Sotelo, and Daniel Tannenbaum)
          This draft draws on a previously circulated paper, The Evolving U.S. Occupational Structure
          American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2020, 12(2): 1-36.
          Coverage: VoxEU Column, AEA Chart of the Week, and BLS Summary.
          Data Page (Last updated 5/15/19).     Replication files.     Typo.     [Show Abstract]

    5.   How Wide Is the Firm Border?
          (with Ali Hortacsu, Mary Jialin Li, and Chad Syverson)
          Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2019, 134(4): 1845-1882.     [Show Abstract]

    6.   New Technologies and the Labor Market
          (with Phai Phongthiengtham, Sebastian Sotelo, and Daniel Tannenbaum)
          Journal of Monetary Economics (Carnegie-Rochester-NYU), 2018, 97: 48-67.
          Typo.     [Show Abstract]

    7.   Accounting for the Sources of Macroeconomic Tail Risks
          (with Thorsten Drautzburg and Zhenting Wang)
          Economics Letters, 2018, 165: 65-69.  
          Replication files
.     [Show Abstract]

    8.   How Important Are Sectoral Shocks?
          American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2017, 9(4): 254-280.
          Correction to Equation 12 (with Fuguo Ma).
          Replication files.   [Show Abstract]

    9.   Materials Prices and Productivity
          Journal of the European Economic Association, 2014, 12(3): 575-611.
          Replication files.     [Show Abstract]

    10.   Vertical Integration and Input Flows
          (with Ali Hortacsu and Chad Syverson)
          Previously circulated as "Why Do Firms Own Production Chains?"
          American Economic Review, 2014, 104(4): 1120-1148.  
industry-level indices of vertical integration.
          Replication files.     [Show Abstract]

  11.   Sources of Variation in Social Networks
          Games and Economic Behavior, 2013, 79: 106-131.
          Replication files.     [Show Abstract]

  12.   Network Structure of Production
          (with Ali Hortacsu, Jimmy Roberts, and Chad Syverson)
          Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011, 108(13): 5199-5202.
          Supplemental material.     [Show Abstract]

  13.   The Topology of the Federal Funds Market
          (with Morten Bech)
          Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2010, 389(22): 5223-5246.
          Working paper versions: ECB and NYFRB.   Typos.     [Show Abstract]

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Publications

    a.   Time Use Before, During, and After the Pandemic
          Economic Insights, 2023, 8(4): 2-13.
          Replication files.

    b.   How Accurate Are Long-Run Employment Projections?
          Economic Insights, 2020, 5(4): 12-18.
          Replication files.

    c.   Reopening the Economy: What Are the Risks, and What Have States Done?
          (with Shigeru Fujita, Sreyas Mahadevan, Ryan Michaels, and Tal Roded)
          Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Research Brief, 2020.
          Data Page.     Replication files.

Older Working Papers

    i.     Quantifying the Benefits of a Liquidity-Saving Mechanism
          (with Antoine Martin and Jamie McAndrews), 2010.
          Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, #447.     [Show Abstract]

  ii.     The Welfare Effects of a Liquidity-Saving Mechanism
          (with Antoine Martin and Jamie McAndrews), 2010.
          Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, #331.     [Show Abstract]